The Breast Cancer Diaries | Part 14

Vacation: The Good and The Bad... But Mostly Good! NOTE: This is part 14 in this series: Click for part 1,  part 2, part 3, part 4,  part 5, part 6, part 7,  part 8,  part 9, part 10   , part 11, part 12  and part 13  Sunday | June 12, 2022 We did it! We left the cancer institute Friday afternoon right after all the unexpected extra imaging. We still don't know the results, but [...]

The Breast Cancer Diaries | Part 13

NOTE: This is part 13 in this series, click for part 1,  part 2, part 3, part 4,  part 5, part 6, part 7,  part 8,  part 9, part 10   , part 11 and part 12     Celebrating the Last Round of Chemo, Breaking Free, & Making Difficult Decisions Wednesday | May 18, 2022 The last bloodwork and visit with my oncologist before my MRI I was feeling happy and super excited to get [...]