The Breast Cancer Diaries | Part 15

The Surgeries & More Cancer NOTE: This is part 15 in this series: click for part 1,  part 2, part 3, part 4,  part 5, part 6, part 7,  part 8,  part 9, part 10   , part 11, part 12,  part 13,  and part 14 Monday | June 27, 2022 Last night I was feeling anxious and a little sad for myself. I could feel all the frustrations of having cancer start to rise up [...]

The Breast Cancer Diaries | Part 14

Vacation: The Good and The Bad... But Mostly Good! NOTE: This is part 14 in this series: Click for part 1,  part 2, part 3, part 4,  part 5, part 6, part 7,  part 8,  part 9, part 10   , part 11, part 12  and part 13  Sunday | June 12, 2022 We did it! We left the cancer institute Friday afternoon right after all the unexpected extra imaging. We still don't know the results, but [...]

The Breast Cancer Diaries | Part 13

NOTE: This is part 13 in this series, click for part 1,  part 2, part 3, part 4,  part 5, part 6, part 7,  part 8,  part 9, part 10   , part 11 and part 12     Celebrating the Last Round of Chemo, Breaking Free, & Making Difficult Decisions Wednesday | May 18, 2022 The last bloodwork and visit with my oncologist before my MRI I was feeling happy and super excited to get [...]

The Breast Cancer Diaries | Part 12

NOTE: This is part 12 in this series, click for part 1,  part 2, part 3, part 4,  part 5, part 6, part 7,  part 8,  part 9, part 10   and part 11       Monday | April 18, 2022 Cancer It means so much more than a diagnosis It is the tumor they found And a million other things I never knew this one word could mean   Fear Questions Appointments Opinions Scans Needles Bloodwork Miles Fighting Surrender Accounting Ability Limitations Peace Close Alone Faith Trust Change Loss Identity Employment Hair Beauty Routine Seeing life different… Trying to hold all the pieces And [...]

The Breast Cancer Diaries | Part 11

NOTE: This is part 11 in this series, click for part 1,  part 2, part 3, part 4,  part 5, part 6, part 7,  part 8,  part 9, and part 10.  Wednesday | March 23, 2022 “Convenience culture seduces us into imagining that we might find room for everything important by eliminating only life’s tedious tasks. But that’s a lie. You have to choose a few things, sacrifice [...]

The Breast Cancer Diaries | Part 10

NOTE: This is part 10 in this series, click for part 1,  part 2, part 3, part 4,  part 5, part 6, part 7,  part 8,  and part 9  Friday March 11, 2022 | Quiet Surrender - Unshakable Hope I have a bag I’ve nicknamed the cancer bag. It contains pages and folders and even a three ring binder filled with information on breast cancer and chemo [...]

The Breast Cancer Diaries | Part 9

NOTE: This is part 9 in this series, click for part 1,  part 2, part 3, part 4,  part 5, part 6, part 7 and part 8   Tuesday March, 1, 2022 | Strong and Courageous "…Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice and hold fast to him." -Deuteronomy 30:19, 20 I’m listening. I'm [...]

The Breast Cancer Diaries | Part 7

NOTE: This is part 7 in this series, click for part 1,  part 2, part 3, part 4,  part 5, and part 6. Sunday January 30, 2022 | Holding On To Hope Last Sunday I was sad and emotional. I had no energy and my hair was falling out. I could barely get off the couch and I felt guilty. Was this because of chemo [...]

The Breast Cancer Diaries | Part 6

NOTE: This is part 6 in this series, click for part 1,  part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5   Before It All Starts December 29, 2021 | Wednesday Somehow I’m lucky enough to have everyone home with me for the start of everything. Ethan has been living and working in North Carolina and he finished his job up there and moved back home for [...]

The Breast Cancer Diaries | Part 5

  NOTE: This is part 5 in this series, click for part 1,  part 2, part 3 and part 4. Christmas Week 12/20/21 | Monday Even though I continually look to God for comfort throughout this trial my mind is a mess. By that I mean my thoughts wander- I wake up thinking about all the appointments and things to come, Christmas presents I need [...]