On Turning 40, Loss, and Moving On

  Self portrait inspired by a trip to the Dalí museum to see the work of Rene Magritte   Something about turning 40 makes one reflective. This seems like one of those milestone birthdays where something important is supposed to happen. In all honesty, I was hoping for something great. Instead, 16 days before the big day, I opened an e-mail from my agent in [...]

Shore Birds

Noisy, playful, insistent, curious... I've got an idea in mind for a new book. And in this little book is where a seagull lives. I needed to get to the beach and  find my seagull. Thankfully this weekend was a perfect beach day kind of weekend. We packed all the usual, sunscreen, towels, body boards, and beach buckets. My family picked out their [...]

Preparing For A Conference

I'm getting ready to go to the Florida Christian Writers Conference at the end of the month. I feel a little like I'm standing on the edge of the high dive, about to jump in from too high off the ground. The funny part is, I've been to the conference before and it's been fantastic. The classes, the editors, the authors, and [...]