Shore Birds

Noisy, playful, insistent, curious... I've got an idea in mind for a new book. And in this little book is where a seagull lives. I needed to get to the beach and  find my seagull. Thankfully this weekend was a perfect beach day kind of weekend. We packed all the usual, sunscreen, towels, body boards, and beach buckets. My family picked out their [...]

Election Day (Peanuts Style)!

Happy Election Day! Ok, so it isn't really Thursday yet. It's Tuesday, November 8th, 2016. And it's been quite a while since I've posted a throwback picture book, but this one is too good not to share a few days early. So here's a little light-hearted distraction to bring you a smile as we wait for all the poll results to come [...]

The True Story of a Common Grackle

Weekend Wonder My daughter and I were spending the afternoon together, a little bit of me time and a little bit of her time. Our day included coffee and doughnut treats, antique shops and thrift stores, and volunteering together at the cat rescue (this one in particular for my little animal lover's soul). We were just walking back to the car [...]

To My Husband On Our Anniversary

To my husband of 16 years, The man who took a chance On saying hi At Sunrise Hall To the girl moving in To Room 314 We were both teenagers You and I Designer Photographer Hard worker Dreamer You drove me to church In your CRX The fast car With the loud speakers And sunroof open Along A1A You proposed In a suit Our toes in the sand Ocean winds On our skin In the clear night sky A barge Anchored offshore I said, "yes" One [...]

Monarch Miracle

A couple years ago my daughter asked for some milkweed and a caterpillar. It was a simple request with amazing results. A wonder filled spring.   And now it's springtime again and there's a special kindergarten class I know studying caterpillars and butterflies. So I collected those images and videos I captured from my little girl's wonder filled spring and made this little video to share. I [...]