A Christmas Picture Book Review

I love the Christmas season. The decorations, the songs, the food, the family traditions, and all the Christmas picture books! I keep a little collection of them. The Christmas picture books were one of my favorite things to bring out at Christmas time and read with my kids when they were little. Even though they aren't so little anymore I've [...]

Election Day (Peanuts Style)!

Happy Election Day! Ok, so it isn't really Thursday yet. It's Tuesday, November 8th, 2016. And it's been quite a while since I've posted a throwback picture book, but this one is too good not to share a few days early. So here's a little light-hearted distraction to bring you a smile as we wait for all the poll results to come [...]

I Can Read

  Little Chick's Story 1978 by Mary DeBall Kwitz illustrated by Cyndy Szekeres Published by Harper & Row I was drawn to Little Chick's Story by the simple soft blue and brown color palette. I love the pencil lines of Cyndy Szekeres through the wash of pale colors and how in places she uses no color at all, only the pencil. It's beautiful how well [...]

What Do You Say?

I found a new favorite picture book on this Throwback Thursday. This might be something I say about all of our picture books. Maybe I'll just say this is my new favorite picture book about manners. What Do You Say, Dear?   1958 By Sesyle Joslin Illustrated by Maurice Sendak Published by Scholastic Book Services 3rd printing October 1965 "single copy price 35¢"   When I found the book, [...]

Chicka Chicka abc

  Chicka Chicka abc by Bill Martin Jr and John Archambault Illustrated by Lois Ehlert 1989 Today's Throwback Thursday Picture Book is one of my favorite little board books. This was the first book I received as a baby gift when my son was born. We read this little ABC rhyme book over and over and it seemed quite the perfect first book for [...]

A Cure For Complaining

  The Tale of Meshka the Kvetch copyright 1980 by Carol Chapman illustrations by Arnold Lobel published by E.P. Dutton New York This little tale makes me quite happy. I love the soft color palate and texture in the illustrations and I love the language in this tale -words and phrases like,  Meshka, Yiddish, Kvetch, kosher pickles, oy vey, and Wall of Jericho This is a picture [...]

To Think I Found It In Goodwill

My latest thrift store stop has to be one of my favorites. I spent the afternoon with a friend at Goodwill. We looked at pants and shirts and skirts and talked up and down the aisles. I found an amazing Christmas sweater vest with candy canes and sequins. I managed to leave it behind for a happy ugly-sweater-loving person. I [...]

Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes A Puppet Treasure Book This is the last book in my collection from children's book artists Tadasu Izawa and Shigemi Hijikata. This one is full of nursery rhymes including selections from Robert Louis Stevenson to Mother Goose, counting rhymes, and "Little Nursery Rhymes" –Little Tom Tucker, This Little Pig, Jumping Joan, Jack Horner, Little Boys and Little Girls, Little Bo-Peep, [...]

ABC Book

  A late night Throwback Thursday in Picture Books –My sweet girl was sick today. And even though I had more down time with her home than I usually do, I find it very hard to multitask when my sweethearts are sick. She's feeling better and I'm a happy mom. So, here's my third book from the puppet photo illustrated series [...]

On the Farm

  The Farm  A Golden Book Published 1980 Cover photograph by M. Salamon Back Cover by M. Barrows Found: Salvation Army I was so excited when I found this little book at Salvation Army. It combines two of my favorite things in children's books, it's a board book and the story is told through photographs. A little gem to teach little ones all about a day [...]